Kids Ministry
Kids Ministry at Beaumont Baptist
At Beaumont Baptist, our kids (infant through age 7) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where they learn about Jesus in creative and relevant ways.
Nursery (ages 0-2)
When you walk through the front doors of the St. Vital Senior Center where we meet, you’ll immediately find a room on your left that we use as a nursery. Please feel free to check your child into the nursery before the service starts.
Kids Class (ages 3-6)
We like to have the kids join us for worship at the beginning of the service. Shortly before the message, they will be dismissed to go to their own class, where they will hear a Bible lesson on their level.
Got Questions?
If you have further questions concerning our kid’s ministry experience or visiting Beaumont Baptist with children, simply click the button below and get in touch with us!